Live Video Production
Live Video Production Tools
Make Live TV the Way You Picture It.
When you create a live show, you pull together many sources, make choices, react to changes, and generate an experience in real time.
The classical way to achieve this is to put bodies to boxes: one human for every hunk of hardware. That’s how it’s always been done — and that’s why live production has historically been so expensive.
Today’s producers know there’s a better way.
Imagine building your show the way you really see it. Just reach out and tap the shot you want to cut to. Cue and scrub slow-mo replays with a fingertip. Run your pre-made segments, switch cameras and mix graphics, and step through your rundown — all with a simple, intuitive, easy-to-learn touchscreen interface.
This is what the new Riedel live production tools enable you to do – clearing away the minefield of physical buttons, sliders and faders, so the only hardware you need to touch is your screen.
When the hardware gets out of your way, you can tell your story more easily. That’s what makes great television: your talent, unrestrained.
You create your shows intuitively and responsively. We eliminate the tech hurdles — and much of the cost.
We understand television. And we know that simplicity and reliability go hand in hand in telling a great story. So our job is to give you the capabilities you need, with technology that is there when you need it.